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How the Federal Reserve Scams us all

A question many have wondered since the United States founding some 245 years ago. Presidents, Congresspeople, Governors, and many other elected bureaucrats have come and gone. However, there are also many people within the U.S. who are not voted in, yet hold substantial power. These people-at times- almost hold more power than those voted in. But they are almost rarely talked about or given any real serious thought by the public. Well, I am here to explain how these officials have more power than you would have ever thought. And no this is not some conspiracy theory, you can find any this information anywhere.

What is the Federal Reserve

What is the Fed (Besides evil)

The federal reserve is Americas central bank, which conducts oversight upon all banks within the US. The Fed holds the power as Americas' central economic planner, allowing them direct control over the US economy. According to the Fed their main job is to "stimulate" the economy when needed. This is done by performing various manipulations on the economy. These manipulations include: the supply of incoming US dollars (money printer go brrrr), manipulating interest rates for borrowing, and asset buying such as US treasuries. Basically whenever the economy isn't looking too good, the Fed goes and does anything and everything to try and "remedy" the hurting economy. And thats what the goal of Quantitative Easing is. Yet, their solutions have never helped our economic problems, but rather made them much worse.

The Feds role in Money Printing

A saw funny but distrusting fact the other day-a 1933 monopoly play set originally cost $2, that same play set is worth anywhere from $50-$900 as a collectors item today. Since then the dollar has lost almost 92% of its purchasing power. What cost $2 in 1933 would cost $40.63 in 2020, so... you could have kept your money in monopoly dollars and come out on top since then. What does that tell you? The Fed has managed to devalue our currency by almost 100% since the 1900s. They have destroyed our currency so that they can prevent normal corrections to occur in the free market by going in and printing money. Government has never had such power to control our finical markets. But this much deeper than devaluing our currency, it's an unfair and evil system.

A monopoly on the Monetary System

The biggest bubble in the history of markets is occurring eight before our eyes. A bubble created and perpetuated by the federal reserve. Something that will destroy our economy and leave millions devastated. Remember when covid began and stocks tanked requiring the stock market to be 'turned off'? Then, remember when stocks rose to all time highs? Thats not supposed to happen in a normal market. Businesses were not operating, millions were unemployed, and companies were not making money. The reason this occurred is pretty simple-the fed (again)-injected trillions into finical markets. The Fed was left with two choices: either let the stock market bubble pop, or print dollars in order to stabilize the market. The Fed chose the latter 'solution', ultimately perpetuating the stock market bubble to levels never seen before. The Fed is like a drug dealer, while the stock market is a drug addict receiving QE as a drug. Without its QE it throws a fit and corrects-10%. So its drug dealer goes and gives it drugs to prevent the with-draw from killing it. The stock market has become so heavily addicted to QE it cannot properly function without it. Without QE the stock market bubble would collapse, as it withdraws from the constant injection of capital. Any person knows this is not a sustainable system and the longer it continues the worse the outcome will be for those involved. When the bubble pops more money will be lost than ever recorded. Bonds and realestate face the same issue as the stock market, and will face similar repercussions to investors who hold their money in such assets. l our money. People get thrown in jail for life for printing US dollars, yet the Fed goes and prints however much money they wish. "Rules for thee but not for me". How is this monopoly system not criminal and evil? People cry about big tech being a monopoly system, but they fail to recognize the biggest monopoly ever. A monopoly that has the power over something that runs our world: money. Something that can fund nuclear war, genocide, or basically any power on the planet. Well, the Gov holds all that power. Whatever they want they will have, all it takes is a little money printing. They can only achieve this by stealing from you. They take your purchasing power away all before you can do anything about it. How can you fight against a system that robs you before you have the chance to react, and then when they rob you, you're left with nothing but a currency that gets you less and less. The Fed has a bomb while your out here fighting with a nerf gun. There is just no chance of winning.

Wealth Divide and Money Printing

Money printing increases wealth divide immensely. When the Fed goes and prints trillions of dollars who do you think they are helping? Are they helping out their friends on wall-street, or the American people? Inflating our currency by astronomical numbers every year is only helping those who own assets. People who have enough money to trade their dollars for real assets that will protect against inflation. QE is direct slap in the face to our poorest neighbors. It pumps a market that only the wealthy participate in. It rewards those who are least deserving. Janet Yellen loves to talk about how the Gov will decrease wealth inequality, but she fails to recognize she is doing the exact opposite. How can money printing help the poor? Does a $1400 check, that comes once every 6 months, really lift people out of poverty? No, of course not. Money printing helps Yellen's cronies on wall-street, like her friends at citadel ;). Wealthy people flee to assets, while poor people flee to.… Well, nothing. Poor people are focused on paying their rent, buying food, paying for their first child to go to college, buying a car, all of which are greatly affected by inflation. This is how half of the wealth in the US is held by the 1%. It is truly gross to see how corrupt this system is, to think people really believing it helps anyone but the rich. When politicians offer you something free remember nothing in life comes free. Look at what welfare did to the black community. Money printing left the black community damaged. No longer can they save dollars to purchase something that would lift the restraints of poverty. All the money in their bank account is being destroyed by inflation every year. Money printing targets those who don't have the resources to invest. The Fed will only continue to separate wealthy from poor.

The biggest Bubble in Finical history

The biggest bubble in the history of markets is occurring eight before our eyes. A bubble created and perpetuated by the federal reserve. Something that will destroy our economy and leave millions devastated. Remember when covid began and stocks tanked requiring the stock market to be 'turned off'? Then, remember when stocks rose to all time highs? Thats not supposed to happen in a normal market. Businesses were not operating, millions were unemployed, and companies were not making money. The reason this occurred is pretty simple-the fed (again)-injected trillions into finical markets. The Fed was left with two choices: either let the stock market bubble pop, or print dollars in order to stabilize the market. The Fed chose the latter 'solution', ultimately perpetuating the stock market bubble to levels never seen before. The Fed is like a drug dealer, while the stock market is a drug addict receiving its drug in the form of QE. Without its QE it throws a fit and corrects-10%. So its drug dealer goes and gives it drugs to prevent the with-draw from killing it. The stock market has become so heavily addicted to QE it cannot properly function without it. Without QE the stock market bubble would collapse, as it withdraws from the constant injection of capital. Any person knows this is not a sustainable system and the longer it continues the worse the outcome will be for those involved. When the bubble pops more money will be lost than ever recorded. Bonds and real-estate face the same issue as the stock market, and will face similar repercussions to investors who hold their money in such assets.

Examine this chart

This is what has been happening ever since the unprecedented amount of QE in 2008. Imagine the stock market as a literal bubble. Eventually the more you blow air into it the higher the chances are it will pop, until it eventually explodes leaving everyone sad their bubble popped. This is not a practical and real solution to our problems. Subsidizing our economy, stock market, bond market, and everything in between with fake money will not last. Soon the money printing will have no affect but a downward affect on our lives and the system will be exposed for its fraudulent behavior culperrated by the Fed. Remember those who control the money control the world.

END THE FED and buy bitcoin money that can't be messed with

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